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Tuesday 31 January 2017


Sierra Leone releases 133 convicted criminals

President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone has freed 133 convicted inmates in Correctional Centres across the country. The president who was acting on the advice of the Prerogative of Mercy Committee, pardoned 69 inmates from the Freetown Correctional Centres, 12 from Bo, 8 from Kailahun, 7 from Moyamba, 7 from Kenema, 7 from Mafanta, 6 from Pujehun, 4 from Makeni, 4 from Kabala, 2 from Kambia, 2 from Sefadu, 2 from Port Loko, 1 from Magburaka, 1 from Mattru Jong and 1 from Bonthe.

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